Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Serious Post: Thoughts on the Casey Anthony Case

Hello, everyone.  I've decided to put aside Mz. Chick for a moment and discuss some of my thoughts on the Casey Anthony case.  I just wanted to jot down some of my observations and the reasons why she "got off."  I'm sure I'm gonna get a couple of Mz. Chick's fans upset over some of my observations, but I invite you to read this post with an open mind and post your own reactions.  I'm not going to ban anyone from my Twitter or think you are an awful person if you disagree with me.  I'll listen to your point of view with an open mind as well.

Again, this is all in my own opinion.

The main reason why Ms. Anthony got off was because the prosecution did not do its job.  They did not prove their case, plain and simple.  They did not tell the jury how Ms. Anthony killed little Caylee, when she actually killed her or even where Caylee was killed.  Instead, they were relying on the juries emotions.  Obviously, a precious little life was taken, someone has to pay, and evidence be damned!  This is what I call the "Nancy Grace" effect, and why I detest this woman so much.  Our judicial system does not work on emotions, but on facts.

To bolster my point on this, the defense won.  If you have been following the trial, you know the defense was lousy, and I can't imagine anyone truly "liking" the attorneys based on their behavior in the court room alone.  In fact, in my opinion, all of the attorneys were lousy.  That is a big plus for the defense because the prosecution has the burden of proof, while the defense can throw a bunch of shit at the wall and hope something sticks.

Something that is quite disturbing is some of the reactions towards the jurors.  The jurors were only allowed to consider the evidence presented to them and had to be sure beyond a reasonable doubt that Ms. Anthony was guilty.  They did their job as they were sworn to do.  Quite frankly, I'm surprised at all the hate towards the jurors, when it should be going to the prosecution.

The bottom line is this: the prosecution failed to give justice to little Caylee.  I'm not sure how they will sleep at night for doing such a lousy job.

Rest in peace, little girl.  I'm sorry we couldn't give you justice.


  1. I completely agree. As obvious as it was 'circumstantially' they left too much unproven beyond a reasonable doubt.

  2. I agree. They went to trial unprepared, and I think the media also had a hand in that. Thanks for your comment! xxoo

  3. I said after the defense closing that she wasn't going to be found guilty. The prosecution failed Caylee not the jury.

  4. Death band on hair found in her trunk, didn't report her missing, duct tape. Evidence she killed her baby

  5. thefame[w]hoarderJuly 5, 2011 at 9:31 PM

    Guurrl, these are my thoughts exactly. Cheers!

  6. The medical examiner said it best-there is absolutely no reason for duct tape to be on a child's face-it was murder. By blaming the death on an accidental drowning, Casey admitted knowing the baby was dead on June 16. She lied about it for 3 years! The baby was "buried" in a laundry bag from the garage, the duct tape was from the home. Those facts alone prove Casey killed her baby. Lots of other circumstantial evidence confirms those facts, there was not any facts to subtantiate any reasonable doubt. The prosecution did it's job, for whatever reason that jury failed to deliver justice for Caylee.

  7. I agree, the jury was instructed only to convict if there was "reasonable doubt"...no reasonable person could conclude that Casey had nothing to do with the death of that child. This jury was looking for ANY doubt...I guess they needed an actual videotape of the death.

  8. It appears that even with videotape evidence of the crime...this jury would still let that murderer off.
    How could you not know how little Caylee died? Casey taped her nose & mouth with duct tape and suffocated her. Then she put her in trash bags and placed her in her trunk. Then it apparently was party time for the Mom Murderer...who went for a tattoo...got drunk and had a good old time...while lying to everyone about where Caylee was. For 30 days...this murderer lied. At some point the Mom Murderer dumped poor Caylee in the woods and left her there hoping she would never be found.

    Circumstantial evidence IS evidence, but this jury was too inept at figuring it out.

    Casey should be awaiting a needle in her...not laughing & smiling at beating the system.

    I don't know how member of the jury will sleep at night.

    I hope Caylee rests in peace.

  9. Thank
    god you left Mz. Chick out for this post. :)
    What got me was, when the defense brought up at the end how the google searches (84 times of chloraform) was actuially My Space searches or logons etc. something how it was done on the 3rd of June when the jury was already there. It bothered me that the Prosecuters never bothered to explain. That was there evidence of pre-mediation. Then of course the innappropiate Jeff Ashton with the smirks from day one. Respect your opponent. The prosecuter (sp) prosecutor is suppost to lead by examle, when you behave like that, doesn't sit well with many.

  10. Yep, the prosecutor went for the jugular because of media influence. Jeff Ashton said for his self on the Today Show that he wasn't surprised of the verdict because of the evidence they had. Let's not forget about the inappropriate behavior he displayed. They are, STATE ATTORNEY'S suppose to lead by example. Respect your opponent. To me, I think they could of charged her with "abuse of a corpse" and other related charges that could of added up to 100 years in jail. To me the death penalty is an escape. I was surprised to also hear that is actually costs more to send someone to death row than life in prison. I would beg for the death penalty if I got life in jail.
    Also, I know ppl were upset that the defense celebrated. However, they won a victory, in a county that has a 95% conviction rate. Then reporters are saying and asking what about Caylee? I get that, but, the defense believes that Casey didn't murder Caylee so I can understand why they celebrated.
    Just like the guy said on HLN news, they arrested Casey too fast because of media pressure. If they would of waited like they usually do, not listened to protesters and the media being outraged she wasn't in jail, they could of wire tapped her car, house and set ppl up with wires, she would of told someone eventually or caught her in MORE lies that could of got them a conviction. What do they do? They knew by putting her in jail she could be in solitary confinement. This is why I say and believe the State failed Caylee.
    The defense did their job. People shouldn't be mad at them. I watched an interview once, I can't remember the name, but the defense attorney said, "It don't matter if I think my client committed the crime, it's my JOB to believe him, but I don't take cases that I don't believe in" One other thing, as far as the rape accusations, George acts like they just sprung this on him. He knew on 2009, that is why he was writing them weird letters to Casey in jail begging for him to let her see him, saying your in control, then saying why destroy poor me, then goes on to make comments about her getting chunky. Can you say WEIRD-O? Your daughter is on death row and your worried about her getting chunky? That would be the last thing on my mind.
    The defense wasn't allowed to prove it because the prosecutors wouldn't let them. They objected in pre-trial. They said George wasn't on Trial. Plus George wouldn't admit to it anyways. I do believe something happened to Casey for her to be such a messed up person. Now, am I on Casey's side? HELL NO, just looking at the whole picture.

  11. I just wanted to drop a quick note to thank you all for your comments and respecting what others have to say, even if it disagrees with your opinions. While this blog is a bit, um, shall we say "different" from others out there, I'm really proud that a post on such a serious subject has drawn such respectful and insightful comments. Thank you!

  12. It just makes me sick that she walks. There is no doubt in my mind she killed her daughter. The evidence is overwhelming. Fact is most cases are based on circumstantial evidence. People need to understand that circumstantial evidence does not make for a weak case. Think how many people have been convicted of murder w/o even a body being found. It seemed nobody used common sense. Bear with me while I list some facts of this case.

    Fact - a hair showing the death band found in trunk of Casey's car. Had to be Caylee as Cindy and Casey are still alive.

    Fact - numerous people identify the smell of death in the car, including George Anthony. Cindy also until she started her back peddaling to protect Casey.

    Fact - Casey had control of that vehicle.

    Fact - Three pieces of duct tape were on Caylee's skull, actually holding the skull together by the time it was found. The body had obviously been in the swamp for sometime as there were weeds growing through the skeletal remains. If it is an accident, why the duct tape and the body tossed in the swamp? Common sense people.

    Fact - Casey tells numerous lies to authorities, leading them on a wild goose chase and does not report the disappearance of her daughter. In fact it is Cindy who eventually reports Caylee's disappearance.

    Fact - Casey seemingly has not a care in the world during this time. Partying and entering hot body contests.

    Fact - Casey gets a tatoo in italian with translation "the beautiful life."

    Fact - numerous computer searches for chloroform and neck breaking done by Casey. Premediation anyone? Cindy takes credit for these searches but is later discreditited by former employer as Cindy was logged on to a work computer at the time of these searches. Cindy lied.

    Fact - duct tape on Caylee was from the Anthony house.

    Fact - Juror number three has come forward to state that it may have been an accidental drowing. Curious as the defense just verbally raised that issue but absolutely supplied no evidence to back this up so the juror just accepted this as fact??? How does that translate to reasonable doubt.

    Fact - this same juror was hesitant to convict because of the punishment factor. The jury was only to make judgement about guilt and not about the punishment.

  13. I totally agree with you Mz. Chick. This was a case of an over-zealous prosecutor who wanted to make a name for himself. The whole case was wrapped up in "hateful emotions" towards Casey Anthony - not real evidence.
    And, Nancy disGrace should be taken off the air before she starts a riot or causes someone to take "justice" in their own hands. She is pathetic!! linda2148 from Illinois
