Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mz. Chick Got Drunk Again, Forgot About the Blog

Holy shit, bitches!  Mz. Chick went on a major bender and totally forgot to update her blog.  So much for being Twatter famous!

Anyway, Mz. Chick did watch the reunion last night with The Real House Bitches of New York and has a massive headache trying to figure what all those drunken bitches were yelling about!  However, she did manage to decipher some of the drunken yelling, so here are some of her favorite things that happened.

Mz. Chick lost her shit when Jill "The Bitch" Zarin "defended" The Countless and her..ahem.."mothering skills" by telling Mz. Singer that if she doesn't shut up talking about that shit, she would have to deal with her.   Hahahahahahaha!  Oh, fuck!  Seriously?  This bitch usually sends her whipped hubby after the other women because she can't fight her own battles, but she is going to fight for The Countless!

Better watch out Mz. Singer, or you'll have to deal with THIS!!
The best line of the night, hands down there are NO ARGUMENTS ABOUT THIS BECAUSE MZ. CHICK SAYS SO, was when the Divine Mz. McCord told Cindy that she needed to get laid.  HOLY SHIT, bitches!  Mz. Chick completely lost it!  Red wine went flying everywhere, cats went running under the couch and Mz. Chick practically died laughing right there on her living room floor over that one.  KA-POW, BITCH!  Hahahahahahahaha!

As a side note, Mz. Singer?  You know Mz. Chick loves you (especially because she knows you sometimes read this blog) and she is about to give you a little piece of advice.  Now, this only comes out of a place of love, so here it goes.  The audience really didn't need to know that Aunt Flow was in town last night.  No, just no, darling.

Okay, bitches, Mz. Chick is going to work on updating this blog with everything she missed and work really hard on becoming Twatter famous once again.  Mz. Chick thanks her devoted readers for not bailing on her while she got her shit together.  Cheers, darlings!


  1. YEAH! you are back!

    I was about to put out a massive twatter search party for you!

    @blckbyjilzarin on Twatter!!

  2. Hahahaha! Twatter search party! Only you would come up with that. :)

  3. So glad you are back!!

  4. I was getting worried, happy you're back! Hysterical blog, BTW...

  5. Missed you! While watching the reunion show I was hoping you would come back and write your take on all the crazy things that were said. Welcome back!

  6. So Ramona said at the fright-fest that Jill was in AA!

    No wonder she's always harping on Ramona's drinking.

  7. Hope u r doing well, Mz.C! I am getting the DT's...going into withdrawal as I await more High-Larious posts from u! So just get a pinot I.V. and put up a new blog already, dog nammit! Love Ya! xo

  8. My favourite twatter, you need to update this blog more bitch lol. I am always entertained reading your take on things. Justme411

  9. I hour you get this. I want to know why you disappeared. find me in twitter. I'm concerned and miss your tweets and blog. CHEERS BITCH!

